An IIT Madras incubated company

We develop environment perception systems to help people and machines better understand the world around them.

We are now accepting applications for pre-orders for the Panocle!

What is the Panocle?

The Panocle (Panoculon Spectacle) is an inclusive AI-powered smart spectacle. Think an extension to your smartphone which can see and hear and help you with contextual intelligence.

What's new about it?

What all features does it have?

Where are we on the development?

We are currently testing a functional prototype (held together with duct tape :) and refining it before we launch on the market. Your support will help us finalize the design and bring Panocle to life. 

What can you do?

What’s in it for you?

Join the Panoculon Labs early adopter community and be a part of the revolution in smart assistive technology!


An integrated visitor management and indoor navigation solution for tech parks, universities, and more.


Panoculon Labs Private Limited, E303, IIT Madras Research Park, Kanagam Road, Taramani, Chennai - 600113, Tamil Nadu, India